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3/31/2009 National Law School of India University (NLSIU) had decided on not implementing the OBC quota for 2009-10, a writ petition filed by a student might change this. The petition, admitted by the Andhra Pradesh High Court, has challenged the non-implementation of the OBC quota in all eleven law universities, including NLSIU participating in the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) this year. In its prospectus for admissions to 2009-10, the University has not kept any seats under the OBC quota this year. NLSIU currently gear reservation only for Scheduled Castes (15 pc), and Scheduled Tribes (7.5 pc). With a total of 80 seats on offer this year for the B.A, LL.B (Hons) degree programme, this works out to the following: General-55 seats, SC-12 seats, ST-6 seats, PWD-2 seats, and foreigners-5 seats. Under the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act, 2006, every central educational institution is mandatory to reserve 27 pc of its seats for OBCs. But this has to be done without disturbing the number of seats available under the general category. Institutes are allowed to implement the quota in phases -- currently the IITs and IIMs are implementing the OBC quota over 3 years in phases. NLSIU officials say that without funding from the Centre it cannot implement the quota. The university is self-financed, and cannot generate the funds required.
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