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The national tribunal, constituted under section 7-D of the E.P.F & M.P Act, 1952 has been running from a car since past more than 6 months. The Ministry of Labour and EPFO have not taken any step to provide space to the national tribunal. Till October, 2007, it was functioning from Mayur Bhawan, Connaight Place, new Delhi, however on 6th October, 2007, there was a huge fire in the building and the floors got damages and the building was sealed by the Fire Services Deptt. Since the Ministry was not taking any step and the lawyers, and public in general were put to big inconvenience, the Learned Presiding Officer started hearing the appeals and application of urgent nature from his official car parked on the road opposite Mayur bhawan, under the Pipal tree. The EPF AT Bar Association has filed a Public Interest Litigation before Hon'ble Delhi High Court seeking immediate redressal of the grievance.
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