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The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has asked Uttar Pradesh govt to give monetary relief to 11 families that lost their bread-earners in a blast in a cracker factory in Saharanpur in 2004. The Commission in its order said since the concerned authorities and the employers were negligent in preventing the violation of the human rights of the workers, the state is liable. "The District Magistrate as well as the Commissioner for Workmen's Compensation appeared to have forgotten the obligation to protect the workmen and give relief to their families," the NHRC said in a statement in New Delhi on Thursday. The authorities left the workmen at the mercy of the employer and the illiterate workers and their families may not have even known that they were entitled to compensation and how to get it. "The state is, in some way, an insurer of what is called social risk, which is protected under law," the Commission said. While directing the state government to give monetary relief to the affected families, the Commission has given six weeks' time to the state for a response. Eleven people lost their lives in an explosion which took place in a cracker factory in Saharanpur on 18th October, 2004.
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