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Parliamentary Standing Committee Urges SC To Withdraw Its Petition 1/24/2009 Parliamentary Standing Committee(PSC) on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice Chairman E M Sudarshana Nachiappan appealed to the Supreme Court registry to withdraw its petition before the Delhi High Court in a case relating to judges assets declaration. Talking to newspersons here, after a review of implementation of Right to Information Act (RTA) and reservation policy, Mr Nachiappan said, ‘the Supreme Court registry may use its wisdom to save the RTA by not pressing the writs filed before the High Court.’ ‘The petition will harm the RTA, which is at an infant stage. Please allow the small baby to grow. Of all the four pillars of democracy, judiciary is the most transparent one,’ he pleaded. The Committee would work on judges salaries from January 28, he added. The Committee would recommend to Parliament to scrap the application fee of Rs ten for petitions seeking information, he said, adding several application forms were rejected for non-payment. Mr Nachiappan, who also reviewed implementation of reservation in Government Departments and Public Sector Undertakings(PSUs), directed the officials to fill-up backlog posts both in recruitments and promotions. The Committee noted progress in recruitment of Scheduled Tribes (ST) and differently-enabled persons in PSUs. UNI
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