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Smart Cards under RSBY

profile picture Guest    Posted on 18 December 2012,  
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As on 30.11.2012, RashtriyaSwasthyaBimaYojana(RSBY) is being implemented in 26 States/UT, namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Pondicherry and Chandigarh Administration. As on 30.11.2012, more than 3.31 crore smart cards have been issued in these States/ UTs. Under RSBY the premium is shared in the ratio of 75:25 between Center and State except in case of NER States and Jammu & Kashmir where it is in ratio of 90:10. The cost of smart card preparation @ Rs 60/- per card is included in the premium quoted by the Insurance Companies and this amount is entirely borne by the Central Govt. Total amount of central share of premium, including cost of smart card, released to States/UTs during last 3 years and the current year under RSBY is as under:


Rs. in crore




2012-13(as on 30.11.2012)






As on 30.11.2012 total 33196142 .smart cards are active in the country. The scheme is at present not being implemented in Tamil Nadu State. In case of Chhapra, Siwan and Maharajganj Districts in Bihar the no. of smart cards and premium rate per family including smart card cost, is as under:


Name of the districts

No of active smart cards

Premium rate







Maharajganj *




*Maharajganj is a block which comes under Siwan District so number of smart cards are included in Siwan District and premium rate is the same.


As on  30.11.2012 total 12538 Hospitals (both public & private) have been empaneled under RSBY to provide hospitalization services.


   The process of issuing the smart cards to all eligible BPL families is carried out by the enrolment teams by visiting the concerned villages/areas with proper awareness compaigns conducted in this regard. The enrolment process normally goes on for four months and in this duration, efforts are made to complete maximum enrolment. Once the enrolment completes, the remaining beneficiaries can be added only in the next round of RSBY policy enrolment, The cards are printed and handed over to the beneficiary at the enrolment station itself. As per estimated BPL data for 2009-10 about 6.00 crore BPL families are in the country and RSBY has been able to cover so far only about 3.3 crore families in 26 States/ UTs.


The total number of hospitalization cases reported under RSBY (including in Tamil Nadu which has implemented RSBY till 2010-11) in last 3 years and current year (as on 30.11.2012) are as under:










District wise and Hospital wise details of claims paid are not maintained at the Central level.


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