Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha has referred ‘The Child Labour (Prohibition Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012’ as introduced in Rajya Sabha to the Standing Committee on Labour for examination and Report. Considering the wide implication of the proposed amendments and the deeper concern for rehabilitation, welfare and security of child labour, the Standing Committee Labour under the Chairmanship of Shri Dara Singh Chauhan, MP have decided to invite suggestions/comments/views from the public in general and from individuals/NGOs/Experts/Stakeholders and Institutions in particular.
All those who are interested in submitting written memoranda/suggestions the committee may sent tow copies thereof either in English or in Hindi to Joint Secretary (AK), Lok Sabha Secretariat, Room No .018, Parliament House Anexe, New Delhi – 110001, Tel: 23034049/23034180/23018129. Fax Number: 23016166 within 20 from the data of publication of this advertisement.
The memoranda/suggestions submitted to the Committee would form the records of the Committee and would be treated ‘confidential’ and privileges of the Committee.
Those who wish to appear before the Committee, besides submitted memoranda, are requested to specifically indicate so. However, the Committee decision in this regard shall be final.
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