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The Working Group on “Labour Laws & Other Labour Regulations” for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) constituted by the Planning Commission, in its recommendations for improving enforcement of Labour Laws has mentioned that Strengthening of enforcement machinery by way of increasing the manpower, improving infrastructure, etc. is essential for effective implementation of labour laws. At present the ratio of enforcement officer to industrial establishment is very low. Over the years the number of Acts, number of establishments and number of workers have increased manifold. The Working Group, therefore, suggests a complete review of the strength of the enforcement machinery.”


The Working Group in its report has mentioned that “Creation of an All India Service for labour administration to provide professional experts in the field of labour administration, autonomous bodies and labour adjudications could help”. The Working Group also recommended that the “proposed amendments in the Minimum Wages Act, the Contract Labour Act and the Factories Act which are currently at various stages of consultation should be put on fast track during the 12th Five Year Plan. The amendments of these Acts should have far reaching impact on labour standards and help fulfill the objective of inclusive growth.”

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