Use of Hindi in Courts
Article 348(1) of the Constitution of India provides that all proceedings in the Supreme Court and in every High Court shall be in English language until Parliament by law otherwise provides. Under Article 348(2) the Governor of the State may, with the previous consent of the President, authorize the use of the Hindi language or any other language used for any official purpose of the State, in the proceedings of the High Court having its principal seat in that State provided that decrees, judgements or orders passed by such High Courts shall in English.
Uner Section 7 of the Official language Act, 1963, the use of Hindi or official language of a State in addition to the English language may be authorized, with the consent of the President of India, by the Governor of the State for the purpose of judgement etc. made by the High Court for that State. The matter regarding promotion of use of Hindi in hearing or court cases rests with the respective State Government in consultation with the High Court of the State.
So far the Governors of four States namely: Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh have authorised the use of Hindi in addition to English language in the proceedings as well as the judgements, decrees etc of the High Courts in their States. Data regarding percentage of use of Hindi and English in the High Courts of these States is not maintained.
This information was given by Dr. M.Veerappa Moily, Minister of Law and Justice, in the Lok Sabha today in a written reply.
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