I was the nominee in my mother's property purchased by my mother but placed in the first name of my father second name of my mother. In 2000 my father signed adeed of release and the society transfered the rights to my mother my mother passed away in 2007 I was aged 14 in 1991 when I was placed as nominee now my father has turned all my mothers joint monetary wealth in his name and has been denying me my share of inheritance and has been visiting prostitiutes with that money since 2007 now he says that the deed of release had been forged by me in 2000 this is attested by his lawyer and the comittee of the society is saying that the registrar is of the opionion that a deed of release is not justified in transfer of rights and that my father inspite of the deed of release signed by him he is the true owner he has been staying in the flat since 2007 the deed of release is unregistered due to my lack of knowledge can something be done what steps are to be taken by me?