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Reetika (NA)     16 August 2010

Property matter

My brother is a student persuing his higher studies.

My father is a businessman and has a joint venture with his brother.

My dad is always neglected towards us(me n my brother) coz of his brother's (my uncle's dirty policies)

He has a major hand in our family disputes all coz of property. And now he has stoped supporting us financialy.

My brother is studing and cant leave his studies in b/w . But overall problems are coming all coz of money and my uncle's dirty mind is behind all this.

Though my father has everything to give he has stoped all this all at a certain.

I just need to know , is there something to be sorted out legally to get rid of that fellow permanently? Or my father starts paying attention towards us economicaly?

Plz advice



 1 Replies

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     16 August 2010

Better ask this q in property section or in expert section, there u will get attention of advocates.

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