Hello!! I am Debaditya Adhya.I took amount of Rs. 2 lakhs Education Loan from SBI in the year 2008. My Education B.Tech in Computer Science, completed in the year 2011. And I was repaying the loan from 2012. and a amount of Rs. ~ 84000/- was given to the bank till the year 2013. Now I am an contractual employee and getting only Rs. 10000/- per month. I am the only Income person in my family. I told to Bank Manger that I will repay the loan once I will get a good job.But he is threatning me and saying to file a case againt me that would herm my life..after giving 84,000/- of Rs. 2 lakhs outstanding amount showing 177000/-. Can the Manager file case againt me?Will it herm my daily life??What should i do now??Please assist me in this case.