Dear Experts,
This Post is a sequel to my previous post.
There are growing fears in my mind that my in-laws (my wifes Granny, MIL, SIL) might use their dastardly arm twisting terror tactics to either take signature on blank paper, force me to sign Gen POA or to sign on release/relinquishment deed as we see in the movies. I fear I might be Kidnapped, beaten up or in worst case loose my fingers or limbs or body parts .They are already laying the groundwork for the same. My Mother helped me to get a separate house for me and added my wifes name as well in Good Faith and out of LOVE so as to put an end to this menence. My wifes financial contribution towards purchase of this house is ZERO. I have all financial evidence to Prove that the payment was made in Cheque and Draft by my mother only. Is there any legal way to remove my wifes name from the joint property or prevent her from claming her share plus to safeguard my mother and myself.