Hello ,
Can someone please help me with the following issues .
1) My parents and i have two houses in our society.There are some members- 4 people who are maharastrians in the society (its an ad hoc committee0 till now.
They are continuosyyly harrassing us , by blocking the way to my house every time.
They also do (carpenting work on the foyer of the wing, just opposite my house and claim that as we have two houses, i can live in the other house till the work is finished.
IWhen i asked the same at 10.00 pm , i was abused and also my family members attacked and hit by these 3 members.
What action can i take , without going to police etc, as iam not in india usually.
Its becoming frustating being a minority language speaking member, as these people are always harrasing us on this basis.
Thanks in advance