Does the Bombay high Court provide FREE Legal Aid to PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED person.
Looking forward to your replies.
b man (Namaste) 20 June 2012
Does the Bombay high Court provide FREE Legal Aid to PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED person.
Looking forward to your replies.
Hemang (Advocate) 20 June 2012
The legal aid is given by every State for vindicating the cause of justice. However, the rules restrict the granting of such facilities, where the criterian is the "income". If the person, irrespective of his disqualification, earns the amount exceeding Rs. 20,000.00, such person is ineligible to get the legal aid. The contents and write up does not divulge the per annum income, the nature of injustice caused etc.. Hoever, there does not appear to be any provision that merely because the person is handicapped, the legal aid should be provided as a matter of course.
Requesting to disclose full facts for further final advise.
b man (Namaste) 21 June 2012
Dear Sir,
THANK YOU for your reply. Really apperciate it.
Is it annual income or monthly income limit of Rs 20,000.
I have been illegaly evicted and don't have the resources to fight my case. So please guide about the maximum annual income limit to be eligibal
Thanking you,