Thanks Fighting back. But there is no bar to prevent the petitioner from filing the application of HMA 24. It's a very common practice. But it’s very uncommon for the husband to ever file HMA 24. It’s so uncommon that the husband’s unofficial-lawyer told him, “they’ll get a shock when u file HMA 24.” So it must be a rare practice.
This is my hypothesis on the original query: Both of the HMA 24 applications will proceed at their natural pace. One HMA 24 will not affect the other. If either party pretends that they have no means to hire an advocate, a legal aid council will be provided to them.
But a couple of supplementary questions for the experts; I did a fair amount of research on the questions below but I could not find a definitive answer:
Am I correct in assuming that while HMA 24 is being decided, the applicant of HMA 24 is under no obligation to continue fighting the case of HMA 13?
Further, if a writ petition against the order of HMA 24 is filed in the High Court by the applicant of HMA 24, is the applicant under obligation to continue the litigation of HMA 13 while the writ petition is pending in the High Court?