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Details of Act >>
Manipur (Hill Areas District Council) Act,1971
(Act 76 of 1971)
Manipur (Sales of Motor Spirit and Lubricants) Taxation Act,1962
(Act 55 of 1962)
Manipur (Village Authorities in Hill Areas) Act,1956
(Act 80 of 1956)
Manipur and Tripura (Repeal of Laws) Act,1958
(Act 35 of 1958)
Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act,1960
(Act 33 of 1960)
Manipur Municipalities Act,1994
(Act 43 of 1994)
Manipur Panchayati Raj Act,1994
(Act 26 of 1994)
Manipur University Act,2005
(Act 54 of 2005)
Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery Practice Act,1938
(Act 5 of 1938)
Marine Insurance Act,1963
(Act 11 of 1963)
Marine Products Export Development Authority Act,1972
(Act 13 of 1972)
Maritime Zones of India (Regulation of Fishing by Foreign Vessels) Act,1981
(Act 42 of 1981)
Marking of Heavy Packages Act,1951
(Act 39 of 1951)
Marriages Validation Act,1892
(Act 2 of 1892)
Married Women's Property (Extension) Act,1959
(Act 61 of 1959)
Married Women's Property Act,1874
(Act 3 of 1874)
Maruti Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act,1980
(Act 64 of 1980)
Maternity Benefit Act,1961
(Act 53 of 1961)
Maulana Azad National Urdu University Act, 1996,1997
(Act 2 of 1997)
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act,1971
(Act 34 of 1971)