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Details of Act >>
Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by certain Establishments) Act,1988
(Act 51 of 1988)
Lady Hardinge Medical College and Hospital (Acquisition and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act,1977
(Act 34 of 1977)
Lalitkala Akademi (Taking Over of Management) Act,1997
(Act 17 of 1997)
Land Acquisition (Amendment and Validation) Act,1967
(Act 13 of 1967)
Land Acquisition (Amendment) Act,1962
(Act 31 of 1962)
Land Acquisition (Mines) Act,1885
(Act 18 of 1885)
Land Acquisition Act,1894
(Act 1 of 1894)
Land Improvement Loans Act,1883
(Act 19 of 1883)
Laws Local Extent Act,1874
(Act 15 of 1874)
Laxmirattan and Atherton West Cotton Mills (Taking over of Management)Act,1976
(Act 98 of 1976)
Leaders of Chief Whips of Recognised Parties and Groups in Parliament (Facilities) Act, 1998,1999
(Act 5 of 1999)
Legal Practitioners (Fees) Act,1926
(Act 21 of 1926)
Legal Practitioners (Women) Act,1923
(Act 23 of 1923)
Legal Practitioners Act,1879
(Act 18 of 1879)
Legal Representatives' Suits Act,1855
(Act 12 of 1855)
Legal Services Authorities Act,1987
(Act 39 of 1987)
Legal Tender (Inscribed Notes) Act,1964
(Act 28 of 1964)
Legislative Assembly of Nagaland (Change in Representation) Act,1968
(Act 61 of 1968)
Legislative Councils Act ,1957
(Act 37 of 1957)
Lepers Act,1898
(Act 3 of 1898)