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Details of Act >>
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Act,1994
(Act 58 of 1994)
Banaras Hindu University Act,1915
(Act 16 of 1915)
Bangalore Marriages Validating Act,1936
(Act 16 of 1936)
Bankers' Books Evidence Act,1891
(Act 18 of 1891)
Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act,1970
(Act 5 of 1970)
Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act,1980
(Act 40 of 1980)
Banking Laws (Amendment) Act,1985
(Act 81 of 1985)
Banking Laws (Application to Co-operative Societies) Act,1965
(Act 23 of 1965)
Banking Regulation Act,1949
(Act 10 of 1949)
Bar Councils (Validation of State Laws) Act,1956
(Act 4 of 1956)
Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act,1966
(Act 32 of 1966)
Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Amendment Act ,1993
(Act 41 of 1993)
Beedi Workers Welfare Cess Act,1976
(Act 56 of 1976)
Beedi Workers Welfare Fund Act,1976
(Act 62 of 1976)
Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act,1988
(Act 45 of 1988)
Bengal Alluvion and Diluvion Act,1847
(Act 9 of 1847)
Bengal Bonded Warehouse Association Act,1838
(Act 5 of 1838)
Bengal Bonded Warehouse Association Act,1854
(Act 5 of 1854)
Bengal Chaukidari Act ,1856
(Act 20 of 1856)
Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act,1980
(Act 58 of 1980)