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Details of Act >>
SAARC Convention (Suppression of Terrorism) Act,1993
(Act 36 of 1993)
Salar Jung Museum Act,1961
(Act 26 of 1961)
Salaries and Allowances of Ministers Act,1952
(Act 58 of 1952)
Salaries and Allowances of Officers of Parliament Act,1953
(Act 20 of 1953)
Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act,1977
(Act 33 of 1977)
Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act,1954
(Act 30 of 1954)
Sale of Goods Act,1930
(Act 3 of 1930)
Sales of Land for Revenue Arrears,1845
(Act 1 of 1845)
Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act,1976
(Act 11 of 1976)
Sales Tax Laws Validation Act,1956
(Act 7 of 1956)
Salt Cess Act,1953
(Act 49 of 1953)
Sarais Act,1867
(Act 22 of 1867)
Sashatra Seema Bal Act,2007
(Act 53 of 2007)
Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Act,1951
(Act 37 of 1951)
Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Act,1953
(Act 16 of 1953)
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act,1956
(Act 63 of 1956)
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act,1976
(Act 108 of 1976)
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act,1989
(Act 33 of 1989)
Scheduled Securities (Hyderabad) Act,1949
(Act 7 of 1949)
Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act,2007
(Act 2 of 2007)