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M V Gupta's Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 2690

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    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    succession, wills, consumer disputes, conveyancing,cooperative societies,arbitration,construction contracts,title to properties,civl disputes, foreign exchange, labour laws

    My area of expertise
    arbitration,consumer laws,personal laws,cooperative socities,banking laws,conveyancing,fema,labour laws

    My experience in the area (years):
    forty years

    Organizations I belong to:
    Retired as Principal Legal adviser from a national level oragnisation in the banking sector and practising as Advocate since 2002.

    Publications or writing which has appeared :

    Educational credentials:

    Award & Honors:

  • rakesh says : family law
    Dear sir, Iam working on a moot problem which is based on family law. in this particular case the husband and the wife was married according to the provisions of Hindu Marriage Act. Both had frequent fights as the wife was a party animal and used to drink a lot and comes home late such issues were raising between both she even had filed a FIR on the husband and his relatives for mental cruelty but she had withdraw ed it apologizing to the police then the husband filed a divorce petition in family court on the ground of mental cruelty. but the petition was rejected when wife showed interest in the marriage. Meanwhile he came to know that she was pregnant and had a appointment with a doctor to abort the child. husband went to Bombay High court for injunction against abortion and challenged the constitutional validity of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act and asked for the custody of the child after birth and in the same proceeding he also filed a petition for divorce. In this case jurisdiction is the biggest issue as constitutional validity of MTP would be filed under art 226 of Constitution and in the same proceeding he also filed divorce which is and appeal against the impugned order of the family court. As High court has the inherent power to conjunct cases which would be pertaining to the same party. But in this case whether high court has the power to conjunct cases of two different nature an original application and and appeal in the same proceeding. Please help me with this case.

  • abcvvdfggh says : land related queries
    Sir thanks for your response,You have answered my queries ,but what I want to know is that whether one of the brother who is not party of any side can claim his share of money if he agrees to bear the legal expenses ,as the District Judge has ordered the person to file a money suit ,that may be time consuming.It would be kind of you if you reply the same on the main page .

  • Rashmi Patil says : Agri Land Purchase
    Sir, I have some queries on Agricultural Land Purchase in Bangalore. Can you please suggest any lawyer dealing with the matters in Bangalore?

  • Praveen S Kumar says :
    Dear Sir, This is a case of 1996. My father needed money so he decided to sell off the land of 15 acres. person adjcent to this land came forward to buy it at 50,000/- per acre. He paid total 3,10,000/- in many instalments for two years ie upto 1998 and my father written in plain papers as receipts mentioning the date and amount he received. After that he never showed intrest in paying the remaining amount inspite of asking him many times. my father expired in 2008. me and my brother transfer the land on our names in 2011. We don't stay at village, few days back he tried to occupy the land by cultivationg. Now he says he paid for 6.20 acers so get it. we said its not possible to give the land so he demanded us to pay 25 lakhs ie, the present price. our question is, Do the slips written 15 years back are valid? he has not paid the full amount or tried to settle in all these years and how can we give him the land or money now. can you please help how to deal with this problem. Thank you for any help.

  • Prateek says : sir plz write your valueble comment on this Prateek Handa 9027277736

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