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Appeal to Experts

(Querist) 21 September 2010 This query is : Resolved 
LCI is the best internet portal available wherein one can reap umpteen benefits by sharing law expertise by way of answering queries posed by general public. Many experts have already set high standards by offering their legal opinion in their areas of legal domain. It helps to gain enormous invaluable wealth in legal expertise which would stand in good stead while contesting in a real time scenario. Of late, it is found that find many resort to stereo type replies without putting any original interpretation and resort to just agreeing to the opinion already offered to the query. Though one cannot resist in consenting to the early opinion, I request our brethren to add values to the opinion offered instead of simply typing words like Yes, Agreed, Correct, etc just to score points. Every participant has his own right to express his opinion and take a stand on a specific issue. Let us struggle hard to put our best stroke in helping the general public who are deprived of costless and quality legal counselling. Hope all experts would support my views. I meant no offends.
R.Ramachandran (Expert) 21 September 2010
What was agitating my mind for the past few days has been echoed so nicely by Mr. Parthasarathi. I was making introspection whether my thinking was correct and whether the other Experts who are merely saying "Yes, I agree etc.," would have a point. It occurred to me, perhaps instead of telling in their own words what their opinion is, at least by concurring with the views of other experts, the person who posed the query may get confidence, depending upon which way the opinion is. (A sort of voting!). This inner thought held me back from voicing my concern. However, Mr. Parthasarathi has wonderfully captured the need for serious contribution in the Forum.
DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (Expert) 22 September 2010
Very novel and appreciable approach but what can be done to implement sir.
Parthasarathi Loganathan (Querist) 22 September 2010
It is the bounden duty of all pariticipants in the forum to set high standards as desired by this unique Lawyersclubindia. Every body must reserve their own opinion regard to any legal issues posed by the querists. Mere nodding heads to other experts would never suffice. We need to create a Moot Court Scenario to legally argue and support all our points. Moderator must take note of this issue and even grant bonus points for best participants who resolve any legal issue without making the clients to knock the doors of our Judiciary. Deploying the best use of technology we must ensure that everybody becomes law literates in this country. That must be our prime motive. This is only my personal humble opinion.
Admin (Expert) 22 September 2010
Unfortunately, we cannot have a mechanism to remove such posts automatically. Points are programmed for the reply made and it is highly impracticable to award points manually. We can only request such experts to have a restraint by making such posts.
Parthasarathi Loganathan (Querist) 22 September 2010
But Tasks of the moderator can be streamlined in such a manner that all posts are reviewed and monitored thoroughly on daily basis giving little room for irrelevance while offering legal opinion. This can facilitate better exchange of knowledge. As an IT professional I can assure that this is technically feasible.
R.Ramachandran (Expert) 22 September 2010
The suggestion by Mr. Parthasarathi to raise the standards of this Forum can be achieved, if the following points could be taken care of by the Administrator.
1. The Questions whenever posted need not be published immediately. The same should be published in the Forum, only if it has some substance. (For instance, somebody was asking in the forum the format and contents of the written statement for a writ petition that would be filed by his employer against him!)
2. Similarly, whenever answers are posted against a query, it need not be published immediately. It should be published only when there is substance in it.
To start with, if the above two measures are taken, there will be considerable improvement in the quality of the discourse in the Forum.
After achieving this level, then further improvements can be introduced.
I hope other experts will agree with my above suggestions.
M V Gupta (Expert) 26 February 2011
I observe that many a time experts are giving their opinions without properly understanding the query and / or refering to the relevant law or precedents, thereby giving a rather incomplete or iaccurate guidance to the querist. This should be avoided. Of late I am finding the website is very slow in responding. Perhaps it is overburdened because of very large number of people accessing it. Administrator is requested to fix this problem.
Parthasarathi Loganathan (Querist) 26 February 2011
It is not the question of population, I find there are many inherent design related issues which our ADMN as a customer should get it sorted with his vendor in consultation with an IT web expert.
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 26 February 2011
yr appeal is supported by my side!

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