any latest supreme court judgement on a issue where a cheque was dishonoured because "payment was stopped by drawer"?
Gaurav Arora (Advocate) 10 November 2009
any latest supreme court judgement on a issue where a cheque was dishonoured because "payment was stopped by drawer"?
B.N.Rajamohamed (advocate / commissioner of oaths) 10 November 2009
M/S MMTC Ltd v M/S Medchi chemicals and pharma Pvt.Ltd A.I.R 2002, SC, 182 , 2002 Crl.L.J 266
Anil Agrawal (Retired) 10 November 2009
Can a company give a loan to another company without an agreement about rate of interest, period of loan, instalments, etc. In other words without any written agreement?
Gaurav Arora (Advocate) 10 November 2009
thanx Mr. Rajamohamed
ghansham das (self employed engineer) 11 November 2009
N I Act 138, 141/142 r/w is changing its mode from criminal to civil ,?
is it not a dilution of the credentials to courts?
Let us not forget- Offense is an offence, crime is crime, harassment , mental tourcher is cost un compensable injury to beneficiary, the Hnble court can not shud not over look.?
Anil Agrawal (Retired) 11 November 2009
It is a new theory.
Sukhija (Advocate) 03 December 2009
why not, company getting loan will be the happiest. it will be headache of company giving loan without any agreement to recover it.
Anil Agrawal (Retired) 03 December 2009
Can a company give loan to another company without any written agreement?