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Democratic Indian (n/a)     12 September 2012

Supreme court justifying police beating of witnesses

Special Mention Details

                                Made On 30/08/2005 Session No. (205)

Member Name :- Shri Ram Jethmalani
Subject:- Judgement of the Supreme Court justifying police beating of witnesses

Text of the Special Mention was treated as laid on the Table of the House by order of the Honble Deputy Chairman


Shri Ram Jethmalani (maharashtra) : I seek permission to raise a matter of urgent public importance arising out of judgement of the Hon''ble Supreme Court which has inter alia held that it is justifiable for police to beat up witnesses to extract what the police regard as truth and that such evidence is admissible and does not suffer any taint.

       This judgement has caused international embarrassment in Law Schools of India.  People rightly ask: "does Indian Law allow police officers to beat witnesses and does it allow the court to act on such tainted evidence".  One has to hang his head in shame. The judgement in effect amounts to a licence to the police to practice third degree and convert police stations into torture chambers.  This requires to be urgently addressed either by legislation or by judicial action.  By letter dated 13-5-2005 I suggested a reference to the Supreme Court under Article 143 of the Constitution relating to the above.

       In all humility I submit that the judgement poses a continuing threat to the reputation of our judicial system and the matter does not admit of delay.  If the Government does not seek the advisory opinion of the Supreme Court in the first instance an authoritative statement should be made that Legislation will be urgently introduced to reverse the law as currently laid down.                                     (ends)


Alternatively the same information can be acessed by going to Ram Jethmalani's web page on Parliamentary website. First go to Then click on "Special Mentions made by me". Then click on "Judgement of the Supreme Court justifying police beating of witnesses".

 3 Replies

arnab banerjee (nil)     13 September 2012

i just can't find a word to oppose it. it is sooo gross. how an apex legal body like supreme court can do this ? it is TOTALLY AGAINST the international norm of fair trial. it is disgusting...


i just can't hold my respect for supreme court.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     13 September 2012

This shows what kind of mindset the Supreme Court has when it justifies beating of witnesses by Police. One can understand what kind of justice one can get from courts in this country when Supreme Court is saying such irresponsible and unconstitutional things. Nothing is left to imagination, everything is self explanatory.

Following threads related with this matter can also be read:-



arnab banerjee (nil)     13 September 2012

i have read all of your threads. i think i understand what's going on.  consider the case during emergency. justice khanna was superceded by his junior justice beg after khanna voted against the issue of hebeas corpus. this shows that there is a link between sc and cabinet ministry. who chose beg over khanna? obviously cabinet. so here is the link. so sc judges are always busy keeping politicians happy in order to keep their future bright. because of this link till today sc passed unconstitutional judgements. it is no wonder to me that sc destroys the constitution almost entirely.


my friend we are in an age where there is no justice in any field and we cannot change it in any way. so we have to find how we should be alive in this environment.

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