Good Evening sir myself santosh kumar working in government department from last 5 years at the time of joining i'm just a Diploma holder in computer application but after joining i had decided to complete my degree to just become a graduate in thi regard i had write a letter to my authority regarding permission for higher studies through distance mode and my superior has verbally advised me to join the degree and told me that you need not to take any NOC because you are going to do your graduate through distance mode, and as per that i had completed my BSc degree through correspondence mode. But after completing the BSc when i write to my authority for addition of this degree to my Service book they are getting confused and from last two months they had not moved my file just put my application into my personal file.
sir is there any rule for getting NOC for higher studies through distance/correspondence mode if yes then please inform and if not then please provide me the copy of that rule.
Thank you,