Can a minor of 14 year swear an affidavit before the notary?
Dhruba Jyoti Kapil (Advocate) 18 September 2014
Can a minor of 14 year swear an affidavit before the notary?
Dr J C Vashista (Advocate) 19 September 2014
Being a minor, s/he is incompetant to contract vis-a-vis deposition of affidavit.
Hardeep (Business) 19 September 2014
may not make an affidavit, but can give evidence subject to various safeguards.
See S. Amutha vs C. manivanna Bhupathy for more.
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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 27 September 2014
A minor is not eligible to depose as affidavit, what is the actual issue?, come out with the details if you want a proper opinion.