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Anna Ramdeo Agniesh Kejriwal Kiran Bedi make a Team 2b MPs

 Anna Hajare, Ramdeo, Swami Agnivesh, Kiran Bedi and likemended should make a team and prepare them to be a candidate in Parliament elections only.  No need right right now in state assemblies.

It is not difficult to make a team of honest and dedicated 1000 social workers.

Condition that; those were members of any political party they should not be given membership and should not be a candidate in this team.

No need to spent a huge but start door to door awareness.

Only a pamphlet is enough in which the agenda should be written clearly.

Collect the addresses of all registered unregistered social committees only and start right now parralel to the current move of morchas/anshans etc.


 32 Replies


Formula of success is that;

Anna Hajare, Ramdeo, Swami Agnivesh, Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal should loudly declare that they will never be a candidate in any elections and will not take a political post BUT THEY WILL ONLY SELECT THE CANDIDATES.

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adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     06 June 2011

I support you in this matter.  The candidates must be graduate and no criminal backgrounds.

Nirupom Dutta (advocate)     06 June 2011

I also support you in this matter , candidates should be accountable to the public. only education is not enaugh.

Supreme Court moved on Ramdev's eviction The matter will come up for hearing today.


Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     06 June 2011

i support mr ram ji.


but due to past experience, i am not much optimist.

because we experienced that those who reaches to power, be corrupted thereafter.


Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     06 June 2011

spreading the right and proper information through the internet might help on anti corruption movement.


Ramdeo baba is a caward. In a simple situation also he tried to hide himself in womans clothes.

What you expect from such self declared enunchs.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     06 June 2011




Ramdeo did nothing wrong but I appreciate him as smartly he came out of the move of the minute. Those don't have skills to understand the strategy behind the seen they cannot understand this.


I understand that at that time in midnight when Police made black out and fired, Lathicharge etc. by chocking the out door it shows that in the GADBAD police could target firing "under pretext to control uncntrolled mob and by mistake Ramdeo is shot dead".


This strategy which Ramdeo had opted that time is called as "One step behind to attack again".


Tell me one thing; "How many Policemens have been convicted for preplanned encounters???".


If the Ramdeo's demand fulilled and black money accuseds names came out the Digvijay Singh's name will also be their and the people themselves will encounter him on road as this attack was pahhen on Ramdeo.

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     06 June 2011

" I thing baba's demands are good but some what ill-logical. He should demand realisticaly."


---   yes that might be.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     06 June 2011

"How many Policemens have been convicted for preplanned encounters???".


---   no policeman, punished.

those who are in power, took this advantge to encounter the opposition. it might be gujrat, andhra or delhi. they might be nakshal, ex culprit or saints. picture is same everywhere. it is untoularable. we bear this pain years after years.

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adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     07 June 2011

Nothing will happen in our country, because govt., knows how to curtail it expecially ruling party is very expert, they know cut throat technique.  What is the illegality in Ramedev Baba's demand.  if 500/-  and 1000 notes are banned then it is not possible to store the black money.

When German Govt., was ready to supply free the names of the account holders of the swiss bank , except india other countries approached it.  The reason is Indians are highest account holders in swiss bank. 99% are congress people.


why you want a shelter of a fake like baba ramdev.

1) he took permission on false declration that he will do yoga not politics at ramlila vanue.

2) All the people there was not public but his workers under various schemes.

3) Mellee at the spot started because baba had no courage to face the authorities and he hid himself behind the group of ladies.

how such coward can take out of the present mess , we need leaders who have spine, courage who do not weep in public  or hide behind ladies.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     07 June 2011

why you want a shelter of a fake like baba ramdev.


---   who says you baba is fake?

mr digvijoy singh?

for whom, laden is "OSMA JI"   and  " BABA IS THUG" (A CHEATER)?

seshadri vikrala ( Asst.Security Commissioner/Group 'A' RETIRED)     07 June 2011

Originally posted by :Ram Samudre-DRF [NSSD-UOI]

How to weed out corruption and corrupt practices:::

A welcome thought to enter in to politics and eradicate corrupt people;but has to struggle hard to the end with out losing heart and self respect:

Corruption/White Collar Crimes/Black Money are all the decorative matters of the personnel/personalities with paraphernalia who strive hard by all means to get their choice of money to the extent possible to make out the black money in to white money and vice versa, the vicious circle continues to be adopted as long as they shall have the power, position, status, cadre and what not. The word greed and no greed has no meaning when once joined hands with the corrupt practices; they shall bow down to all types humiliations, insults, and what not? There may be some or the other type of explanations and excuses to over come the blame and their joining hands with such persons, but the aim and object shall be to get the money or money valued materials and or matters for them. The system goes on.

·   What a wonderful matter--Dr Singh's promise of getting the dhan (money) back in 100 days, please explain what is the status? The status shall be as is where is condition; we have ,in my considered view, no Law to force some one to disclose the Bank Accounts they held in India or in Foreign Banks, unless the CBI or any other I.O. with Authority from the Court take an Order to that specific point and query only. Then how one can expect that the Black Money (undisclosed) deposited by some one even on binary names, etc. shall be handed over to India with out any query by others.. Never, there is not even an Ordinance to ban circulation of RE:1000/- NOTE in market and that shall be deposited in the BANKS henceforth , say within one week's time,,, that is YOU see how much of Re:1000/- shall be there in the Banks account??? You can release the same after some months....

·   ONE SHALL ACT WITH FEARLESSNESS AND NOT WITH FEAR:*SWAMI VIVEKANANDA*--"The earth is enjoyed by heroes- this is the unfailing truth; be a Hero. Always say' I have no fear'. Tell this to everybody--'Have no fear; fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in this world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear...” Hence, act and make others to act with fearlessness, God shall see that the wicked, the vice, and the corrupt minded persons to perish once for all. Hence be Brave....Do not engulf yourself in vicious circle at any cost... let you be poor but be honest, sincere and with duty mindedness and exhibit your integrity not for appreciation, rewards or medals. To the point always and all the time be honest to the work, to the words and action....Your reward shall be your Honesty, you may be requiring some money to clear of the loans, to run the family, or children’s education and what not, but still be honest; check and discuss with you inner mind ; it shall tell how dishonest you are and your wife  nor your children does not share your sin, ill gotten money, they just enjoy as long as they can. Just see around all others may wish you but heart and heart they hate you and talk about your corrupt practices, may be in your absence. Hence do not let your life go in that line…

 see my blog: on these issues: YOU may like the Articles..


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