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my Design   12 March 2025

Need advise

I have a friend who is 25 years old. Her family did not allow her to work and even used to physically abuse her. Eventually, she decided to leave home and started living independently while working.

After a few months, her family emotionally manipulated her into coming back home for Holi, promising that they would not stop her from working and would support her. However, their actual plan was to not let her leave again. On the night of Holi, they mixed bhang (a drug) into her food, which caused her to lose control. After that, her family put her in a car and took her to a village in Uttar Pradesh. Since then, they have taken away her phone and all means of communication.

Now, she wants to leave that place, but her only option seems to be running away. Please advise on what she can do in this situation.

 2 Replies

Dr. J C Vashista (Advocate )     12 March 2025

She is adult, intelligent, educated and able to decide next course of action, which suits herself as per prevailing moral, social and economical circumstances

Is it a legal dispute for consideration and obligation of experts on this platform ?

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     12 March 2025

She is an adult, she cannot be forcibly confined within the house.

She can take any decision concerning her safety and future.

She can seek the help of police or court if necessary.

She has rights to decide whether to remain in that house or leave it.

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