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Shree. ( Advocate.)     01 November 2008

Ban MNS party ..Please sign this online petition?

Ban MNS party ..Please sign this online petition?

Hi Indians,

Please give two minutes of your time to sign this petition.This petition is against MNS party.MNS party has been targeting the All Non-Maharastrian , mostly North Indians every now and then.MNS party is constantly trying to divide the country on the basis of region.
And their main moto is just political gain and nothing more than that. Recent attacks on the students in Mumbai was one of the example of the unlawful voilence act by MNS party members. MNS party is misleading the people of Maharashtra and India mostly youth.

This is the high time and call of the time is that for better future of India, this MNS party should be banned. If we want our Motherland India not to be divided further, MNS has to finish.Many have given their lives for the sake of freedom of India. We should not spoil their sacrifice.

So, please sign this petition. There are many more examples in the petetion.You can also have a look at the same.

Foward this petition to as many people as possible and ask them to sign the petition.Also please post  your comments in the comments section of the petition.

Jai Hind.

 12 Replies

Manish Singh (Advocate)     01 November 2008

we should also agitate to ban bajrang dal, rss, shivsena, rjd and other parties who use hatred against each other for their popularity.

P.Elamaran (Law Officer in a CPSU)     01 November 2008

The MNS activities  are nothing but sheer parochialism. They have gone too far ahead. The unleashing of violent activities by them against the non-maharashtrians is an absolute authoritarianism. Their activities are a big challenge to the constitution of India and the Unity of India. It is high time a full stop is put to their activities.

Manish Singh (Advocate)     02 November 2008

A briliant move by Shree... i have signed the petition.

Shree do you know how can we get data from that site?

suneeldutt (service)     02 November 2008

is it worth asking ? will banning an organisation serve the purpose , why shoul;d we not ask for deletion of article 370 of the constitution.

Shree. ( Advocate.)     02 November 2008


Dear Suneel Dutt,

 But at this stage, we have to condemn what Thackerey is doing. This is not the way ahead. Violence is never the way forward, even if it gives “instant results” and instigates fear among the non-Marathis.

We know that there is no concept of barring people from moving from one state to another. So why invent one? Even if it is for the cause of the locals. India is one. And it should remain so. Divisions will only worsen things.

To all who favour Raj and his theory, I will just ask one question. Violence begets violence. If Maharashtrians settled in other parts of India are treated in the way that the non-Marathis have been treated in Mumbai, what is the guarantee that the MNS will not resort to violence to protect them.

The points that Thackeray aims to protect shows a very parochial nature. Like a man on the street would beat you up, if you do something shoddy. It is human nature. But nature of such a kind cannot be tolerated in such a large democracy, in fact the largest. That man on the street will solve his problem by beating you up, but a theory like this will not solve the problems of hundreds of “other Indians” being beaten up “locals”.

The irony of our lives as Indians is that the moment we say that “our” people, belonging to our states, need rights and should be protected, it goes completely against the nation-building ideology of the leaders of our glorious past. It makes “unity in diversity” a joke. It is what we should strive for. Divisive politics is as bad as religious communalism, if not worse. Because even more than being religious (which is supposed to be the guiding light of our lives and a doctrine of our principles), we need to be more responsible while understanding each other.

“UNITY IN DIVERSITY” is neither a curse nor a blessing. It is only a situation that needs to be nurtured like a little child. It is our CHOICE that will decide our happiness. Choose to be united, or fade away into a valley of broken threads like so many of us already have….

Shree. ( Advocate.)     02 November 2008

Dear Sir,

    Regarding what data you needed Sir.

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     03 November 2008

Dear all,

Apologies, BUT I do not support banning of the MNS party and hence no need for me to sign.

ON THE CONTRARY ... (inspite of me being a bhaiiya from U.P.)

I say, for the comfort of all Marathi Manus, let's all adjust & make Mr. Raj Thackrey as our Prime Minister and the parliament be filled with only Marathi Manus.

Since nobody else besides Mr. Raj Thackrey, is interested in the interests of the Marathi Manus, I say,  Let there be a parliament filled only with Marathi Manus.  This should atleast solve the problems of at least 550 marathi manus.

Keep Smiling ...HemantAgarwal

Rajan Salvi (Lawyer)     03 November 2008

Don't you want to see the other side.




I draw concentric circles. I place myself in the centre. In the next outer circle are my wife and children. Next is my family. Then relatives – then family members – then relatives – then people of my / caste/ religion and friends  – then villagers – then people from Taluka – then people from district – then people from State of Maharashtra – then people from India – then people from immediate neighbouring countries – then  the human race . In terms of sacrifice the inner circle will always be preferred to the outer. In terms of taking stringent action the inner circle will always be preferred to the outer.  AM I WRONG?


AM I WRONG IN THE HIERARCHY ? I am not unpatriotic. I am proud to be an Indian but equally proud of Maharashtra as the land has given me everything I need so that I do not have to go outside . I am known because of my achievements which were possible because of the place where I live in and the conducive atmosphere created by my State . I am known by my language.  I owe my existence, my family’s existence to the place where I live. AM I WRONG ? India does not know me. My family, my relatives, my friends, people of my religion/village/Taluka district and some scattered over the State know me.


I am proud of my State, its culture, its History, its role in the Freedom struggle, it festivals, its local gods/deities , its leaders, its bio diversity, its vast coastal line, its uneven huge mountains, its rivers , flora and fauna, its Institutions and its people [ not necessarily of Marathi origin] . Other things remaining abstract, it is the people who are the true assets. Their hard work, commitment to honesty, a progressive vision , a respect for law and order of the land has taken my State to where it is at present.  AM I WRONG ?  The love for the country is omnipresent at the backdrop of my mind but then I cannot turn a blind eye to the reality which is apparent . I would always strive for my country to be self sufficient and its people’s well being , but where do I start from? Is it not right that I start from the inner circle instead of directly jumping to the outer circle.


MNS is a regional party. No state in India is free from regional parties. All of them in any name or manner of disguise do promote their own State . Electorates are made in that way. A Sarpanch looks after the well being of the village, President of the Zilla Parishad looks after the District, the Chief Minister looks after the State and the Honourable Prime Minister looks after the Country. What is wrong in this? MNS is a regional party and looks after the region, or at least tries to do so. If any of the above elected representatives fail they are answerable to their respective constituency/district/state/ country. Representatives change. Today it is somebody tomorrow it will be Raj Thackaray.


Beating up people of other states cannot be justified at any cost. Why for that matter I go further and say that beating and its extreme that is killing cannot be justified [morally]. Not even of a person of another country. He is also a poor soldier joining the army to take care of his wife/children/parents. What we cannot give , we cannot take.


We have a very short memory. Lets go back a little. Before Independence India was a loose federation of kingdoms , each to his own . Each area had a different history, different festivals, different gods, different physical characteristics and mentalities. They fought amongst each other [over flimsy reasons or just for the heck of it]  and rarely came together to fight against foreign invasions. As mass commutation means were not available generally a common man was born , lived and died within probably a hundred kilometers radius from his place of birth. The art of printing was present but there were no newspapers. What was there to tie all these people together, of the region we call India ? Most of us are law graduates and in ‘ International law ‘ paper we have learned how nations were formed. Some nations are formed due to geographical position like Australia, America- some because of common heritage/language/customs – like Germany, France, British etc. Our Country was formed because of COMMON ENEMY i.e. the British. The territory over which the British ruled was bifurcated into India and Pakistan and they went away. As a nation we are young. 50 odd years is not  large period . The troubles faced by us now are teething troubles of a new nation. Please pause for a moment and think, what is common between a Tamilian, a Gujrathi, a Punjabi and a person of the North east ? Even the Gods are different , leave aside customs, food habits, values, , way of dressing and the festivals. . It would be right to say that we were not one but were bound by the notion of one , by  a tryst with fate.



We say we are one , but in what? In sharing the spoils, in picking up responsibilities?  A person when in his home state will vote for the regional party and if for some reason he goes and resides out of the State then he we will vote for the Congress. He will try to suppress regionalism [ by expressing sentiments about banning MNS] . Why this duality of standards?


Much is made about ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’ . but when? When my coffers are filled and if I am comparatively well off and I can look after a guests needs , only then will I welcome my guest with open arms. If I myself is bothered about the basic needs of my family with an uncertain tomorrow, how do I make the guest welcome?  Dear friends the anger is not about the guest coming , but it is the anger which like a serpent raises its head when I see the starving faces of my own family members. I see my limited resources being whittled away by medical expenses of my aged parents, I see my aged daughter not getting married , I see my double graduate son whiling away his days in the hope that at least in the near future a day will come when he will be able to do his duty and put to use whatever knowledge he has learned till now wasting 25 prime years of his life. In the heart of hearts I know that it is not the North Indian who is totally at fault. But then in psychology there is a term used – ‘projection’ . When a person is helpless he will project all his inabilities on some external thing for purging himself. Now it is no longer about my goodness of looking after a guest, but my capabilities, my existence which is threatened. Contemplate, a guest comes to our house and he is going to stay indefinitely. What is the treatment given to such a guest by us in our daily life?


 Human beings are full of fallacies. History tells us so. From the great depression to the unemployment, and all matters which remotely made the German unhappy and angry, the Jews were blamed for it all . Hitler used it to his benefit. ‘ All money lenders are Jews, all shopkeepers, all industries and factory owners all rich persons are Jews. It is because of them you [Germans are poor]  - this was the strategy he used to gather mass support and then we see what we have. GENOCIDE. – A WORLD WAR.


One of my Learned friend pointed out that during times of natural calamities and other wise also there is exodus [ mass movement of people from one geographical place to another] . In such cases the clashes are bound to be there. I take the opportunity to place before you all the example of the Parsis who came to India. They have done more than perhaps any single community for India. But how was their behavior? They said we will mix in your community like sugar in milk. They never aspired to be rulers or to dictate to the local population.


In Maharashtra what do we see now? Do not we see non Maharashtrians occupying prime political posts? Which other State can boast about this? The Shivsena when it got a chance to send an MP to Delhi sent Ram Jethmalani, Sanjay Nirupam, Pritish Nandy .


Now what is the position? O.K. we are now in the same boat. We either survive or sink together. Common sense tells us that instead of fighting among ourselves , we fight the odds against us unitedly. [ the odds my friends are

-          Corruption in the executive.

-          lethargy

-          crowning the undeserving by reservation policy causing injustice to the deserving. [ thus removing the incentive to hard work]

-          Foreign countries who want to see a weak India.

-          Stopping our citizens from being beggars right from the cradle by giving them food etc. [ my personal view is that it is only the family /relatives and friends who should provide help to a needy person. Only beggars take help from unknown persons]. Government schemes are like a block of ice which melts as it goes down to the beneficiary.

-          Government should govern and not start Industries and corporations which are nothing but a source of drain on our economy and seats of corruption.

-          Comparatively closed economy – the national well being , being the guiding force.

-          Next time we vote [ and we do] we do it only to a person without a criminal background irrespective of his religion / caste / party etc.


The list is exhaustive and most of you my friends are aware about it all . But pause for a moment and think.


What is the proportion of railway employees ‘State wise’? Let any party come in power at the centre, Railway Ministry always goes to Bihar/UP. [ The reason my friends is because they have a separate Budget.] Even Orissa people expressed the opinion that it is easy to clear IAS but not railway examination. My other friend was right when he said the jails are filled with non Maharashtrians. [ Like Mr Manish Singh even I am doing what I can for them]  If a consensus is taken , out of the squatters on the Harbour line railway hardly 5 % will be Maharashtrians. Same with the poor women folk who are commercial s*x workers. Same with drug addicts. Please do not blame the common Marathi Manus. What he sees is the underbelly of the State from where the people came. Rich influential people will never migrate. He has yet to see the Zamindars of UP and Bihar and yet to see what good things these States have to offer. His views are moulded by what he sees around him and by the newspapers.


I am proud to state that being a Maharashtrian , best of my near and dear friends [ some 25 odd years ] are non Maharashrians. Newspapers report the utterings of politicians in a irresponsible manner. In no way can one person be held responsible for the arson carried out. I do not justify beating of the job aspirants but to my mind it is a far greater crime what Railways tried to do by publishing the advertisement only in Bihar. Think over it my friends.


In our childhood we had the lesson of “ the Blind men and the Elephant’ . We all [ me included] are the blind men and each as per our knowledge describes the elephant to be as a wall, a rope etc. The elephant is Raj. Let us wait for the wise man [TIME/WAKT] to come forward to remove our blindness.





Shree. ( Advocate.)     03 November 2008

 Learned Lawyer Member,

I am well aware of the other side of the coin too, as you put it. But I must confess that I am unable to agree with many of the conclusions that you have drawn and stated. I would also like to state categorically that not for a moment have I blamed  mild-mannered and peaceful Maharashtrians, instead of blaming the rogues in your state. Surely you cannot call people who yank out a taxi driver, gang up on him and beat him up mercilessly, and stomp on his vehicle and destroy it, mild mannered? Nor would I be able call anyone who incites such violence mild mannered or peaceful !

I am totally against the MNS launching an attack on North Indians, or any other community for that matter. It is time we Indians took pride in the fact that people of different states freely move around. Many of the so-called outsiders have contributed immensely to the diversity of Mumbai and its growth as India’s financial capital. Every language has its unique charm and needs to be preserved.

Of course, driving North Indians out of Maharashtra is definitely not the solution, because it will only exacerbate the discord, but I sincerely hope that people take cognisance of issues similar to the ones that I have mentioned, as well.

All metros have the issues you are speaking about. Also, I guess we have to remember one thing. The reason why Bombay(Now Mumbai) prospered over the other metros was because it was *not* parochial. It was a great melting point of cultures from all over the country. It embraced whoever came in without making any demands. The mumbaiyya Hindi is the manifestation of that composite culture. Chennai and Calcutta on the other hand were far more tied to their regional identity and hence did not prosper that much like Mumbai. I feel we cannot let the politicians divide the country into pieces over language and religion. Why can’t we think our country as whole, why are we talking in terms of marathis- non-marathis? Lets talk about India. People come down from states of U.P and Bihar for jobs and not for fun. They come down there for leaving their homes,families to do hard work and city like Bombay gives them some money to save and earn. We as people and   your

state needs to create more job oppurtunities,more enterprenuers, government need to chalk out these long term plans with immediate effect. India is a free country what MNS does won’t stop people from coming to Mumbai. People will always come down for work and bread. This has been the history. At the same time, city infrastructure, cheap housing, more jobs need to start up, 2-tier cities like Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Nagpur,Pune and many other centre need to come up. Root cause of the problem is not those influx but lack of oppurtunities in those states.

Violence needs to stop orelse I am sure we will see our country will be divided into small pieces like Bhaiyaas,kanadiaga,tamilians,marathis,punjabis etc.

This sudden resurgence of Marathi pride, in the long run is going to hurt Maharastrians more than anyone else in the near future

Nevertheless, thank you for reading my piece and taking the trouble to respond in such detail. It wasn’t my place or position to add those comments, but you still read that and took the time to comment on it. Thank you so much! I know that behind that beautiful strong voice, there is a beautiful and strong person.

One is not idle because one is absorbed. There is both visible and invisible labor. To contemplate is to toil, to think is to do. The crossed arms work, the clasped hands act. The eyes upturned to Heaven are an act of creation." - Victor Hugo

Manish Singh (Advocate)     03 November 2008

Dear Mr. Salvi,

We think only for our betterment thats y we forget the pain of a beggar begging for a little and shirk him out saying that begging is illegal or giving money is not going to solve the problem since they will put this money for some other use.  But why we never get into the pains of them thinking the reason who made them begging like that. if begging is illegal why govt do not do anyhting to make their life better. they see them on roads and just move on but nobody cares for them. dont they have the right to live in a proper manner/conditions according o our Constitution. yes they do have. so why we let them beg on roads even in the winter time... is it what we have become.. look around ourselves and realize how fortunate we are to have parents like us who made us take degrees and live our life with all facilities. but were they(beggers) at fault by taking birth at a beggars home or so..................................................................................................................................? 

Shree. ( Advocate.)     03 November 2008


For All Marathis  PLEASE READ ?

With all the debates/arguments/conversations/rows related to the Raj thackeray issue, there is a grave and disastrous misunderstanding taking place...which goes as People Are Against MARATHIS??...My dear friends, it is not so ! ..In clear words, I [on behalf of all other countrymen] would like to clarify this that our fight is all against one person which is Raj thackeray . The reasons for this row against Thackeray has been mentioned over and over again by various members of this forum !

The reason is that raj thackeray is USING the marathi issue to gain publicity, come into the spotlight and become famous all over the country as social worker ! While most of the marathi friends are thinking and taking this issue as and about INDIA v/s MUMBAI , I am so sorry to all, because it might be possible..that somewhere our words were so rude about Raj thackeray that you felt we are against a whole marathis !!!

I sincerely apologize if marathi friends ever felt so..we are 100%against raj thackerays policy of bringing  Regional division in the country, community based difference in the country and separate marathis from the entire country just to get himself a shot on the TV sets or a snap in pop ass magazine !

Just wanted to clarify this as most of the people coming for debates here are putting forward the same point of us as Anti-Marathi Army !!

We love you all Mumbaikars man...and its so ridiculous that I had to type it ! :)

Jai hind!!!!!



Anil Agrawal (Retired)     15 February 2009

 Why should MNS be banned? In the first place, why did you creae States on linguistic basis? We have sown the wind. Now we are reaping the whirlwind.

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