Around my own house I have made my boundary wall after leaving 4feet in every side. So, i have 4 feet space outside my boundary wall. In south after two plots there is a road and the main high drain is beside that road. I wanted to connect my drain with that. Now, 6 consecutive plots in that side(south) have made common walls among themselves ( they have not any space outside their boundary walls...the have made their walls at their borders) and have not left any space for me to reach to that drain. I want to know
1) What is the municipality rule in West Bengal about BOUNDARY WALLS. Have I to leave 4 ft/3 ft outside my boundary or not?
2) If yes, then how these 6 consecutive plots can make common walls without leaving any space around their boundary walls?
3) If not, Then can I insert my 4 feet space that I left out side my boundary walls, inside my premise by building new boundary walls?