Dear Fulltrottlle,
I’m not a Lawyer, just keep that in mind.
The Managing Committee is legal bound to a lot car park to members on First-come, first-served basis. In other words he makes an application first to the MC, should be allotted the parking space first.
So the first thing (if you haven’t already) you should do is formally apply to the society for a car parking space. You could also mention in your application the Supreme Court has ruled any sale of car parking space as illegal, therefore any such agreements are null & void. This will make it difficult for the MC to ignore your request.
If they still don’t allot you a parking space, you can approach the Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Housing Soc with your complaint. Follow up your complaint with the registrar after a month. Also file an RTI with the Registrars office to know the status of your complaint.
Hopefully something good will come out of all this.
Warm Regards,