Person 'A' sold a property to person 'B' in 2001 through registered sale deed & B's name is registered in the government land record (7/12), change record (ferfar) and all the legal documents. B has been the sole owner of the property till date (2014).
Today (in 2014) person 'C' claims to have received the same property as a gift from person 'A' through alleged gift deed registered in 1967; however C's name is not recorded in government land record (7/12), change record (ferfar) or any other legal document. C has filed application to register his name in land record(7/12 extract) by attaching true copy of the gift deed. (It is suspected that C does not posses the original gift deed.)
Other history of the property:
1. 'A' had gifted some part of property to person 'D' through gift deed registered in 1995 & D's name was recorded in government land record (7/12), change record (ferfar) and all the legal documents. Later in 2001, D sold his part of property to B through registered sales deed.
2. In 1987 'A' had won a case which was filed against tenants of the property and as a result, names of the tenants were removed from land records. (This might prove that A had interest in the property & played active role in the case in 1987)
3. In 1967, at the time of alleged gift deed by A to C, property's 7/12 extract had only A's spouse's name in it, who was dead by that time & A's name was not mentioned in 7/12 extract.
4. A passed away in 2008.
By what means alleged gift deed by A to C can be proved invalid? And under which acts?