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Abhishek Mawle (x)     19 February 2012

Carry forward of indirect taxes

I wanted to know how can I carry forward indirect taxes and in case when I carry forward indirect taxes (Excise Duty, Vat, Service Tax etc) how will the government collect the same. I am attaching a sample bill for better understanding.

 3 Replies

V.Devananda Narasimham (Advocate)     19 February 2012

On verification of your attached bill, it  is seen that a bill relating to purchase of medicines and full details are not available. The question is also not complete. Whether you are a trader, manufacturer,consumer etc are not mentioned. In the absence of proper naration, I declained to answer this query.

Abhishek Mawle (x)     20 February 2012

I am a consumer

V.Devananda Narasimham (Advocate)     21 February 2012

Mr. Abhishek,

All types of indirect taxes are born by the end consumer. A  registered dealer under the appropriate Act is entitiled to collect VAT, Excise duty or service tax. In this case since you are a last consumer on the chain of transfer of property, you are the person suffer all indirect taxes imposed under a statute and not exigible to carry forward any thing by way of tax.

V .Devanand

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