I am planning to buy a re-sale property near Mumbai. The property is about 14 years old and a registered society is in existence sine year 2008. The property has changed hands multiple times so far.
1. Year 1998: First owner buys from developer. Original copy is lost. The property is sold in year 1999 with the help of a certified copy of the sale deed.
2. Year 2008: Second owner too looses the original sale deed. And after obatining the certfied copy, the property is sold.
3. Year 2010: Third owner sales it.
4. Year 2011: Fourth owner sales
5. Year 2011: Fifth owner sales.
Now, I have learnt that a few housing finance companies (LIC and HDFC amongst them) have black listed the builder and the project for some irregularities and bad debts. The society documents seem clear. I request help as to how to establish clear title and what does 'being blacklisted' leagally mean? I may add that, there has not been any loan from a housing finance company on this house.
Thank you,