Originally posted by :chandrasekhar.7203@ gmail.com |
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As women have by and large proved that if husband abandons children they can take care of them, the question of who has to bear the expenses of child if wife gives birth to child need not be discussed. The social reality suggests that if a husband remains irresponsible towards child, the wife herself will take care of child by working. So there is no use discussing who shall take care of child's expenses after he is born. Laws favoring women are made in India keeping this social reality in view. |
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That is exactly the point. Women can earn and raise their children. It happens all the time in lower socio economic strata-where women take care of themselves.
What then prevents women who are educated from doing the same? Education is supposed to help them earn and support themselves. Although it is commonly argued that the laws are meant to protect these downtrodden women, laws, in fact, do not help the lower social strata woman who is uneducated and poor-because her husband is a dud and drunkard-he has no money to begin with! What can courts get him to do? Throw him in jail? Would he quit drinking? The reality is the lower strata society wife doesn't care about him-in fact she doesn't want him to get in her way and her taking care of her children. She doen't depend on the government/ laws. She doesn't need them.
These laws have only helped educated middle class,/ upper class or upper middle class women who are misusing these laws under the garb of women empowerment! Note that these middle class women are not married to uneducated drunks but mostly educated and hard working husbands who are living a decent life. They are using the lower socio-economic women as a canard to support and sustain these laws that they are misusing! The 'dhanda'/industry survives because of this! There is no money in poor uneducated women! The poor uneducated woman are used (misused really) by the educated, middle class/upper middle class/ upper class women to sustain this 'dhandha'. That is the reality!
These haphazard laws are creating social unrest, fear and divisiveness amongst the classes most affected by this i.e middle and upper midlle class.
Indian society is severely influenced by western culture. In an era of 498a, PWDVA, divorce, maintenance and child custody every husband needs to worry about who pays for the child! In the past fathers didn't have to worry about not seeing their children. They didn't fear children taken away from them.They didn't need to think about divorce, maintenance etc. Today they need to think about divorce etc.That is the reality.Society of the past had a different dynamics, different set of rules they played under. But today the society is undergoing transformation-different rules are being made and people are forced to adapt and play under these rules. People thus are evolving different thinking, different strategies etc to survive in this new environment.
The question still remains-why should a husband pay for wife's choices? This is very relevant in the new rules imposed on the society.