Citizens Charter - Indian scene (2)
The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India, became the nodal department for coordinating the efforts to formulate and operationalise Citizens' Charters among various Central Government Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations in India. They nominated nodal officers in the concerned departments/organizations etc. The state Governments and UTs also followed the suit. DARPG circulated guidelines for formulating the Charters as well as a list of do's and don'ts to concerned various government departments/organisations for their help. For the formulation of the Charters, the government agencies at the Centre and State levels were advised to constitute a task force with representation from all stake holders.
While adapting the UK model, the Indian Citizens' Charter added another element ie expectations from the clients' as component of Citizens' Charter. In other words obligations of the users has been added to ensure that the Citizens' Charter meets the needs of the users. Regular monitoring, review and evaluation of the Charters, both internally and through external agencies, are being ensured. The organisations with Citizens' Charters are advised to give publicity to their Charters through such means as print/ electronic media and awareness campaigns.
Source : GOI website and from internet websites