SUPREME COURT CASES (Criminal) 2011(1) 59-B
S.125(1) (b) “ Wife S.125(1) held, means legally wedded wife-S.125(1) does not protect a woman who unwittingly marries a man who is already married-As against this, S.2(f) of 2005 Act, embraces a wider concept by affording protection not only to legally wedded wife but also to a woman who is having domestic relationship which may not strictly be marriage but is” in the nature of marriage”-This is a recognition of live-in-prelationship( subject to conditions ladi down herein)-Conventional family law in India provides for alimony only when a legally wedded wife is deserted but 2005 Act expands the scope by providing protection in the case of live-in-0relationship also-Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 S.2(f)