what are the right of dauther in law and her daughter in the self owned property and her maintenance from her in laws specially in the circumstances when her husband has died and her in- laws has kicked them out of their house
shivam...... (Chief Manager) 30 January 2012
what are the right of dauther in law and her daughter in the self owned property and her maintenance from her in laws specially in the circumstances when her husband has died and her in- laws has kicked them out of their house
Kanaksinh P.Boda (Educationist/Lawyer) 30 January 2012
In a joint hindu family, the daughter in law will have the same right to share, if widow, as it sould have been in case her husband would have been enttled to had he been alive. The daughter will have only share from her mother's share. The in laws can not throw her from a joint hindu family house, and she has rgight to live the same way had her husband lived in the house. The maintenace is to be given to her if she has been denied the right to live in the house where her husband lived.
G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor) 30 January 2012
Right to dwell in house can be raised legally.
Since it is self acquired property, she cannot have any other right.