You have been sympathizing with your boss and employer for 1.5 years……………!!!!
You have wasted 1.5 years…………!!!!!
You might have wasted say a month’s wages on calling on phone, visiting, sending emails etc……………………….!!!!!
The limitation period might be 3 years in your case and 1.5 years is already passed……..!!!
Your employer might be watching it with pleasure for the 3 Years to pass.
If the company is not doing well financially (as per you), then is it your headache?
You were employed to work and you have worked and you should be paid your wages.
If you are not being paid then you have to either extract the wages or forget the payment and consider it as a parting gift and be at peace.
Probably your employer also wants you to consider it as a parting gift.
It is your choice to leave or collect and choice to employer to sell his assets to pay you or face the consequences.
It seems to be clear that until you manage to put foot on the tail you won’t get your unpaid wages…………..
The options are, approach your lawyer at your location, with copies of all documents (filed date wise) including, offer letter/ appointment letter, and your lawyer may opine that you are covered as ‘Workman’ as in ID Act, ‘Employee’ as in Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act and may advice to approach :
1. police and help you to file criminal complaint under Sec 406, 420………………………..and/or approach the company as creditor treating the unpaid wages as Debt on employer……………..
There are many threads e.g;
Discussion > Labour & Service Law > Disputes > Delay in full and final settlement payment
Lawyers are trained arbitrators, mediators, conciliators………………and some of them are expert in it, and your lawyer may succeed to drill sense into the heads and resolve the matter by making the employer agree to pay……e.g;
Discussion > Labour & Service Law > Disputes > Dispute regarding resignation and notice pay
2. Inspector under Payment of Wages Act which is applicable to all employees drawing wages as per def. of wages in the Act, up to Rs.18000/pm…………..
The period is 1Y. You would need to get delay condoned.
3. Inspector under Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act………….
4. O/o Labor commissioner…………..
5. Civil Court for recovery…………………
If you wish to avail the services of LCI lawyer you can conduct search at:
The detail of related lawyers is being flasshed by LCI on the bottom of this web page.
You can chat and access Pro Lawyers.
Your near and dear ones can also guide you to a competent and experienced labor consultant/ service lawyer.
In each city there are few lawyers who specialize in labor/service matters, criminal law and they are well known…………………………
DBA maintains its web site. The office bearers can also guide you.
If you do not want to approach your lawyer you may approach Trade Unions, Community Leaders, Political Leaders and some one may help you.