Dear Sir,
I lost my bike parked in front of my residence on Saturday evening. I reported the same to police station. They neither registering the compliant nor noting the FIR. After visiting the police station thrice, they asked me to write on a plain paper about my bike details and they signed on that paper and gave a copy to me with signed and stamped. They told this will be the reference to be produced; if at all the bike is misused.
Now my friends and neighbors are telling me to get the FIR. The police are saying it is not required.
Could you please help me with the information so that I can decide on following?
a) Should I get the FIR or not?
b) How to get it?
Please help me with the valuable information.
What are all the actions I should take for not to get affected if at all the misuse of bike happens? Also how to delete my name registered on this bike from R.T.O records so that I can cut my relation with the bike?