Our father had purchased a plot of 14 R fronting a major state highway.One of our brother wrongfully registered a relese deed of 2 R land from him when father was 83 and almost blind (MEDICAL proof of his failed eye operations available).AFTER FATHERS DEATH his name is appearing on remaning 12 R also.As the land is fronting state highway,rules of town planning do not allow any division of plot which has less frontage than 135 feet or 500 sq.m.He has stated the size of his division as 17 feet (frontage) x 127 feet.Even the land recod shows 2.00 r LAND in brothers name on same AND JOINT 7/12 extract but without any dimension.
Can i challenge this deed as it has no approved subdivision of plot?can i challenge on the basis of fathers physical inability and wrong motivation of my brother(father was staying with him?
as 7/12 extact is not devided due to this problem and only his 2R land is denoted seperatelty.Will he require our sign to sell this part?Will he require our permission to approve buliding plans or to have loan over propert?