My wife is showing some signs of mental disorders over the last one year. We have been married for five years. 1. she is either in the state of grandeur or depressed.2. She is not working but keeps plundering my hard earned money.3. she is shopaholic and buys very expensive items much beyond Ii can afford or think..4. she demands the money on a gun poinrt, if not given, threatens to leave me or commit suicide 4. She keeps harassing me all the time on very trivial domestic matters and calling the local police and complain against me. 5. She is threatening to commit suicde and poison my children.. 6. She refuses to accompany me to a consellor/ psychirist for help. 7. she has made my life a hell in my own house over the last one year.
Is it possible to get court order for diagnosis of her mental disorders by a mental health specialist of a recognized Govt. hospital and necessary treatment. Failing whch, can i seek separation incuding custody of my children aged 4+ & 5+ for their safety. I feel seriously that she is definitely a case of obsessive cumpulsive behavior or bipolar personality ( manic- depression) or some other psychosmatic problem. Thanks in advance for your kind response to my nerve wrecking marital problems.