What happens to the credit card debt after a person dies? Do his/her legal heirs assume that debt or is it written off because it is an unsecured debt?
Please advise
ATKS (A) 30 October 2011
What happens to the credit card debt after a person dies? Do his/her legal heirs assume that debt or is it written off because it is an unsecured debt?
Please advise
J. P. Shah (RTI & CONSUMER ACTIVIST) 30 October 2011
Heirs are liable to pay the debt to the extent of property inherited by them from deceased.
Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/ nadeemqureshi1@gmail.com) 31 October 2011
If the bank/Finanacial institute the civil suit for recovery then the Legal reperentative of the Defendant/card holder is liable to pay from inherence property of the decease, but if the bank/financial institution do not files any suit then they can not claim money.
R.venkatesh Naidu (.) 31 October 2011
it is not treated as unsecured debt. the bank can right to collect the debt for the credit card from the legalheirs of the deceased card holder.
Yes, the Bank has remedy against the legal heirs.
Ramalingam K (Founder and Director of Holistic Investment Planners (P) Ltd. a financial planning nd wealth mgt company. An M.B.A. graduate nd CFP certified professional having 11 years of experience in investment advisory.) 12 November 2011
RAJU O.F., (Advocate) 16 November 2011
Recovery legally possible by bank, only by filing suit, impleading all the legal heirs of the deceased card-holder, who inherited portions of his estates