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Silent victory (Engineer )     20 August 2010

Credit Card Dispute -Delayed payments

I  decided to   opt for a  HSBC credit  card  sometime in  January 2008 . 1 or 2 months after the issue of card a

Term insurance policy of  TATA  AIG was delivered to me  which has no  date and  so the look in period cannot be determined . Upon contacting  HSBC   and TATA  AIG i was told it is some group  insurance policy   which remains valid only if   i  pay the Rs 505 premium   along with credit card dues  monthly  

Since i had never opted for the insurance policy I asked  HSBC resolve  the confusion and cancel  it .

They took  6 long months to   find  an answer and   end  of the day  asked me   to  followup with     HSBC  directly  to get  premium  refunds .

What  is the legal recourse i have  against  HSBC  for deceitfully  selling a bundled insurance  and   then  taking inordinately long to  settle the   issue .  

 3 Replies

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     20 August 2010

America is ruined because of plastic money (call it credit card). We have fallen in that trap. Get rid of credit cards. We lived without them in the past and we can live now. Banks will fleece us no end.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     24 August 2010

Usually the credit card companies promote Life insurance policies thru their brochures/tele callers/offices, and the customer is asked to apply either thru a SMS from their registered mobile phone number to the company's phone number, or confirm consent during the phone call.

Did you give your consent.

You should submit your complaint by letter to the local Branch Manager of HSBC By hand, under receipt,

and MD by registered post, and ask them to supply you certified copy of your consent and copy of proposal form filled by you,and state that you have never applied  for it, and that without your consent, HSBC arranged to issue a policy from their partner TATA AIG,without any date of issue of policy, by unfair means, and that despite your representations dated.....on phone/by email/by visits in person...........your grievance has not been resolved. Moreover HSBC has illegally collected the premium payments for their profit from you.And that you shall be constrained to deduct the payment and report the abuse to RBI, and handover the matter to your lawyer.

Mention that you want a  reply in writing, with copy of docs as mentioned above,by registered/speed post, only,and do not want a telephonic explanation, within  days.

You can escalate the matter to the Grievance Manager.

If you do not get reply or resolution, you move consumer court.

If the refund 


Kumar Doab (FIN)     24 August 2010

The enclosed file shall be of help to you. You may quote from RBI mater circular in your letter. e.g Fair practices code, wrongful billing, redressal of Grievances,

Attached File : 49 49 master circular rbi on credit card operations.pdf downloaded: 158 times

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