In Pune, Maharashtra , is it possible to try a tenant not paying rent under Criminal law?
Gautam (software) 06 July 2012
In Pune, Maharashtra , is it possible to try a tenant not paying rent under Criminal law?
Kiran Kumar (Lawyer) 06 July 2012
its a civil dispute....file the recovery or eviction proceedings, as advised by local lawyer.
Gautam (software) 06 July 2012
Why can't it come under tresspassing of private property?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 08 July 2012
Had it been possible then all landlords would have done. It is not a tresspass. You are at receiving end.
MANI RAM SHARMA (Advocate) 29 August 2012
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 29 August 2012
MANI RAM SHARMA (Advocate) 29 August 2012
Not to comply with terms of tenancy and continuing occupancy is certainly illegal trespass even in absence of any express legal provision because the occupancy is not legal, It is matter of interpretation for those who act. Even in 1985-86 when section 138 of NI Act was enacetd , the police in UP used to book the drwaers of cheque under section 120 IPC. There must be an honest intention of the enforcing agency rather than to foil an attempt to justice.