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kannan (admin)     02 February 2010

Date of Birth Changing in Passport

Dear Sir,

I need to change my date of birth in my passport. The date of birth mentioned in my passport is not correct. I have applied my passport through passport agent (travels) in tamil nadu. As per my passport date of birth and my actual date of birth 7 years more in my passport.
Now I am working in UAE. Once I have checked with Indian Consulate in Dubai, they told me to get a court order from india. All my UAE documents as per my passport date of birth. Due to this I have not taken any step to change the date of birth. If I want to change the date of birth what I should do?
My passport was taken in 1989.  I am planning to settle in India in a couple of years.
If court order required in this matter, how to get? What is the procedure?
Your kind advise on this matter. I am very much grateful to you.
( sorry for my poor English )

 26 Replies

rajesh saharan (ADVOCATE)     02 February 2010


Attached File : 52 52 change date of birth.rar downloaded: 4903 times

rajesh saharan (ADVOCATE)     02 February 2010


Attached File : 3 3 jm do.doc downloaded: 2467 times

kannan (admin)     02 February 2010

Dear Rajash,

thanks for your reply. this kind of advise and guid available from internet. apart from this any procedure?

how to get court order? whom i should contact?

AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer)     02 February 2010

Dear Kannan,

You can file a "CIVL SUIT" in the Civil Court of your Jurisdiction/Town/Village of your residence.

Civil Suit can be filed on the basis of "Documentary Evidence" i.e. Your Educational Certificate/Election Identy Card, which ever are evident for date of Birth.

This Civil Suit can be filed by making the Two Opposit parties:


 Second : Passport Officer of Tamil Nadu ( Proforma Party)

After taking your suit on file Magistrate will order for General Public Notice in any news paper, and on the next date of hearing he will take your statement on oath and on the same day he will pass Order for Change of Birth Date as per your documentary evidence. (It doesn't mean that within short period ordr will be in  your hand, but it will take time as per procedures of the court )

So you can contact your local lawyer ( means a lawyer near to your town/village)

Court Fees will be "nominal" plus Advocate Fees

By the Court order you can apply for change of Date of Birth in your Passport. 

1 Like

vijayan (lawyer)     02 February 2010

please go through the latest circulars of external ministry regading passport and changes required in passport. In some cases a declaratory order from court is not necessary to make changes in passport.

kannan (admin)     03 February 2010


good morning sir,

thank you very much for your advise.

AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer)     03 February 2010

Read the below attached Judgment carefully and take appropriate steps for your case,

as per your facts, you need to proceed for Judicial Magistrate, High court is not correct one, 

Writ in High Court is for the mistake of Passport authority, but its your case it is a mistake from yourside, so should correct the date of birth from concernd Judicial magistrate.   

Attached File : 8 8 maddi raja shekar reddy vs the regional passport officer on 7 september 2007.pdf downloaded: 3517 times
1 Like

kannan (admin)     03 February 2010


my fist passport issued from tamil nadu, and the renewal (2nd passport)  made it from dubai. how to get court order?

kannan (admin)     03 February 2010

Dear Sirs,

Any lawyer's from tamil nadu (trichy,madurai,chennai) to get this order for me? if any one can help me in this i am verymuch greatful to you.

please tell me what are the documents i have to provide and how much i have to pay.

please send me pvt message.


kannan (admin)     03 May 2010

Dear Sirs,

I have contacted one lawyer in trichy. He is not very familiar with this kind of case.


Any one can help me? please


ss (-)     14 January 2011

Hello Mr. Vijayan

I have the circular number from  but not sure how to get the circular information.

My consulate and passport officer is not accepting this. Do you know how to get a copy of this circular.



ss (-)     14 January 2011

Hello Mr Kannan

did you find a lawyer in Trichy area. I have a similar issue where I am trying to change my place of birth.


kannan (admin)     16 January 2011

Dear Mr. Kumar,

i have checked with one lawyer. ( my last vacation of last day ) and he told me that, when i go back to my next vacation he will try to get the court order. He told me that he need minimum 30 days to process all the procedures.



eugine (other)     19 February 2011

Dear All,

Can you please share your experience in getting the court order for Place of Birth Change. As i was born in Madurai, but the passport has Trichy in it, I was so dump i didn't check nor realised the mistake. We have the orignial birth certificate issued by Madurai corporation. I need to get the passport corrected.

Can you guys let me know the time frame  and also do i need to be present in Court for this. Since  i am living aboard.

Also Please refer me  the lawyer who has good idea about the process and also the cost for this whole process.

Your Help is greatly appreciated

Thank you All


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