My housing society has provided me with the Bye Laws Booklet with the following deficiencies:
(1) Said ByeLaws Booklet did not bear the Signature of the Taluka Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies under his Office Seal along with Designation. However Three Lions Round Rubber Stamp was found affixed on all the pages of the so called "Bye Laws Book".
(2) Name of the Housing Society was kept blank.
(3) Registered Address details were found kept blank.
(4) Correspondence Address of the housing society was found kept blank.
(5) Area of Operation was not specified.
(6) Under the Objects heading no details of the Plot No., Survey No, CTS No. Name of the Society's Plot address and total Plot Area were found kept blank.
(7) Share Capital details too were found missing.
Can anyone explain how I should treat the above mentioned Bye Laws Booklet from among the following 3 options ? :
(1) False document
(2) Forged document
(3) Illusory document
Also can anyone point out whether the above mentioned 3 different documents are either Criminal or Non Criminal and the Remedies available in each of the 3 cases above.