Dear Experts,
Kindly give your advice for the below mentioned situation:
An officer of a nationalized Bank was posted in a branch as branch manager for the year 2005 to 2007.
At that period his disciplinary Authority was a scale v officer (A.G.M). A chargesheet was issued in the year 2009 , but by that time( year 2009) the region was headed by scale vi officer (D.G.M.) due to official reason.But while imposing punishment ,A.G.M. PLAYED THE ROLE OF DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITY ,NOT THE D.G.M.
According to bank's service rule the region head will be the disciplinary authority. the region head in the year 2009 was D.G.M. so he should be the disciplinary authority and not the A.G.M .although the disciplinary subject was related to the matter that took place in the year 2005 to 2007 when A.G.M was the disciplinary Authority. Because disciplinary procedure started in the year 2009 and not in 2005 to 2007.My question is whether bank's A.G.M has wrongly exercised his power?