Hi Experts,
My cousin has got a letter from the Protection officer ( Under domestic Violence ) from the hometown of his wife to appear in front of him as his wife has filed a complaint against him of ill-treatment.
The place is 800km from his place and his wife has left him for stupid reasons like his place of work is small town and there is nothing there to get entertainment or good job opportunities for her.
1. Is it necessary to visit the Protection officer or can it be ignored as anyhow i hav eheard they will make a case out of it.
2. My brother do not wants to live with this lady now as she is spreading rumours @ his alleged affair etc to cover her deeds.
3. She earlier mentioned that she is ready to live with him in a metro and if he allows her to work at her will and do not bring his mother in their matrimonial house. My brother had refused to this demand.
4. He has not taken the letter from the postman, instead for time being postman has taken back the letter stating that the adressee was not available at that place. But they will send again to his work place soon.
5. Before going can we ask the protection officer to provide the copy of complaint which his wife has registered with him, so that he knows what allegations he is dealing with?
Kindly reply, The matter is of Uttar Pradesh.