Can someone tell me as to if there is a time limit for presentation of evidence by the Plaintiff
if so what is the time limit
Issues are framed since 4 months
deepak makhijani (CFO) 26 May 2013
Can someone tell me as to if there is a time limit for presentation of evidence by the Plaintiff
if so what is the time limit
Issues are framed since 4 months
orson michael noronha (systems administrator) 03 June 2013
If the evidence has come to light later during the pendency of the case and is not pre-medidated/ fabricated it should be admissible as it is statement of fact
deepak makhijani (CFO) 05 June 2013
thanks for the info
but my question is whether the plaintiff has any time limit to present his evidence within which he must present the same after the issues are framed
thanks in advance