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Ravi (Consultant)     10 February 2017

Extra marital affair and threat to husband

What if married women chat with lover till midnight and meet him when husband is out of town, even challenge husband he cannt do anything to her., she give threat of false case or suicide, as she already jumped lake once before for same incident.

and husband inform this to her only family member her elder sister and she also support her

What husband can do ?

he has their chat details,messenger screen shots and also wife saying to her lover when to meet next

Please Advice

 12 Replies

Vinay   11 February 2017

You have got substantial proof against your wife, but I would suggest you to engage some private detective agencies, who can bring some intimatacy photographs of her with her boyfriend and considering these pics and screenshot messages you can file divorce case against her alleging her disloyalty towards you. Vinay Sharma Adv 9873751988.

Vinay   11 February 2017

You have got substantial proof against your wife, but I would suggest you to engage some private detective agencies, who can bring some intimatacy photographs of her with her boyfriend and considering these pics and screenshot messages you can file divorce case against her alleging her disloyalty towards you. Vinay Sharma Adv 9873751988.

Vinay   11 February 2017

You have got substantial proof against your wife, but I would suggest you to engage some private detective agencies, who can bring some intimatacy photographs of her with her boyfriend and considering these pics and screenshot messages you can file divorce case against her alleging her disloyalty towards you. Vinay Sharma Adv 9873751988.
1 Like


Great idea. Yes, gather all the proofs and be prepared to file divorce under adultery and also 497 on her partner. Oh and by the way, be prepared to face cases like 498a, DV, Crpc 125 from her along with paying maintenance for the next 10 years or so. At the end, you might not get divorce, lose money, lose life, and will thank people including yourself for the brilliant idea of gathering evidence and using in court to achieve your goals.

Good luck.

ragz hyder (PM)     11 February 2017

question is you want to continue or not. IF answer is No be prepared for DV, 498A.

I dont know what your networth or ancenstral property is, parents etc.

Gather evidence.

Talk to a lawyer.

Be sure to have proofs of your location that will come handy when she says you abused her on so date. if possible install a webcam in secret to record days of activity

before filing case make sure your parents are safe. relocate them elsewhere. if you are living with parents move them away get rental record so you can show they are not living with you might provide them protection.

File for AB for yourseld and parents separately. Even if yours is rejected parents might be accepted.

Get lots of proofs. Is she working. Get salary statements and proof of employment.

You have to stay strong and make sure you have few people who can work for you if you were to be arrested. Get a good lawyer. 

You might have to pay maintenance or alimony to get rid of her.

DONT have children under any circumstances.

join savefamilyindia yahoo groups and local networks.

Get your manager into confidence so he is not surprises when she writes letters to your company.

God Bless. Better spend a year or two in torture than the rest of your life.

1 Like

Ravi (Consultant)     11 February 2017

Thank you so much ragz hyder for long reply;

Husband is already in touch with;

Husband do not want to divorce her becoz children are small; he just want to stop her doing this, she want divorce thats why she is provoking  him

Husband has her pre nuptial agreement where she and her family signed there was no dowry, as all money and gold spent by husband.

Husband already complained to Police and complaint to women commission.

As Vinay say to get intimate photos, they dont have s*x in open ground, thats next to impossible. husband has only screen shots of messages.

husband only wanted to know that is there any legal way to stop her from doing all this and stop provoking


I have a question for you.


Are you not man enough?

Ravi (Consultant)     11 February 2017

I am MAN, but unfortunatly its INDIA, Bera bharat mahaan, law makers/Politicians dance to Women tune

Originally posted by : Ravi
What if married women chat with lover till midnight and meet him when husband is out of town, even challenge husband he cannt do anything to her., she give threat of false case or suicide, as she already jumped lake once before for same incident.

and husband inform this to her only family member her elder sister and she also support her

What husband can do ?

he has their chat details,messenger screen shots and also wife saying to her lover when to meet next

Please Advice


Chat details, screen shots? What you want to prove? Adultery?  These are not adultery.  Even if adultery is proved nothing big will happen.  To get divorce minimum 5-6 years will go.

Simply if you file divorce etc, you will have to pay her alimony, for the wrong of filing divorce you will have to roam court and she wont even bother to come to court.

You also adjust with her.  Like she found peace, you also find peace somewhere... Mean to say, water finds its own way.

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Ravi (Consultant)     11 February 2017

Husband is not a SAINT, he know all that.

she just want to provoke him, actually she dont dare to meet anyone; husband is golden egg laying Cock, if she divorced she will get peanuts only.

whatnot   12 February 2017

you just have to prove to the court that she is not performing her duties as legally wedded wife and her character is of quite opposite to that of blissful married woman. You don't have to prove adultery per se but you can let court interfere. For that you need a skillfull lawyer. How he puts it across.

Courts have seen enough to see through her act. And you will be granted divorce under creulty.


Better to dig deep with lawyer and fight the case on merits

1 Like

A walk alone (-)     12 February 2017

No one can stop her doing so it's her life her decision . as you say "Husband do not want to divorce her becoz children are small" then husband should put this matter in cool bag. Husband should show in front of her that he also has girl friend. Once you dnt give her importance ,she will herself come on right way . going court for family matter is wastage of time and money with zero result. Family matter can never settle in court.

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